Tuesday, November 1, 2011

to NaNo or not?

NaNoWriMo is here again.

I've been thinking about participating since its inception, but the time has never been right. There's always something big going on--moves, transitions, classes, newborns, crunch time at work, crippling cases of imadepresssedmofo--and supposedly not enough time to write.

I waffled on it interiorly again this Halloween and finally came down on the side of "nah." Might as well just admit I'm not going to do it and write off the possibility this year...

Then today I thought... fuck it. I'm going to jump in. CANNONBALL-STYLE. Sometimes impetuous decisions are the worst. Sometimes they're the only thing that gets serious introverts off their asses.

I have a huge file of story ideas, kept both digitally and in my head. I'm not going to use any of it. For NaNoWriMo I will need the freedom to trip all over myself and write a spectacularly bad novel without having to abort any of my precious brain-babies.

So I'm starting from scratch, today. Gonna write. And write. And coffee, probably.

Here's to scraped knees and toddling onward.

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