Thursday, November 10, 2011

NaNoWriMo update #2

I'm at a stuck point right now with the novel. I'm strangely okay with that, though. Win or lose, I'm still learning about the process of writing. So far I've gathered that one of the most important things is just not being afraid of sucking.

At the same time, you can't go on writing what you believe to be a sucky book, either. At least... I can't. You're not supposed to shuffle things around or edit what you write for NaNoWriMo. But that brings me to something else I've learned: obeying all the rules at the expense of everything else involved doesn't tend to work out well for me.

So I'm pretty much starting over. I'm not erasing or getting rid of what I've written so far, but it doesn't strike me as a good beginning--not for this novel. So I will tuck it away somewhere else and maybe use bits of it later on. Or chuck it.

Also, I am trying to forget about all the advice I've ever heard or read about writing. And the fact that everybody else's writing looks awesome to me right now. As another blogger mentioned, Twilight can start looking like high art after a week or two struggling with writing your own novel.

Writing your own novel. AKA coming to grips with the fact that you are sometimes very stupid and during those times you produce very stupid writings and you're getting kind of scared you're going to turn out to be the type of person whose natural writing style will be suitable only for extremely sloppy and emotional video game fanfiction and if you die tomorrow in an auto crash and someone in your family reads your clumsy efforts they will pass around the story to other people and laugh together while fondly remembering your endearingly high level of utter suckitude....

Stoopid, I say.

But, hey, free to be so.

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