Friday, November 4, 2011

NaNoWriMo update #1

Well... I fell in love with my story idea.


That's not a good thing.

It can cause love-based paralysis. You know--where something is so beautiful you don't really want to touch it because surely you're going to ruin it?

It's sort of like having a crush in the sixth grade, back when your main romantic strategy was still something along the lines of: "DON'T LOOK AT HIM EVER NO MATTER WHAT OR HE WILL KNOW."

( I the only one? *googles rage comics*)

Nope. Not the only one.

Except I'm a big kid now and I think I can get over this. The ideas are flowing really nicely. It's just a matter of not freezing up when putting pen to pa--er, fingers to... writing shit down typing stuff? I'm one fiftieth of the way done and it's Day 4.

I think I need Sugar to tell me to "Write like a motherfucker."

Or... whatever. I'm telling myself.

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