
What's the theme of this blog?

This blog is just a collection of whatever I feel like including. There is no overarching theme. I may post on anything from lipstick to transhumanism.

My main aim here is to make this gradually into the sort of blog I'd want to read if I weren't me. I love the feeling I get when I stumble across a bit of very honest writing, stripped relatively clean of pretense and social posturing. I love reading about whole people and learning what fascinating combinations of interests they have. The blogs I like best are ones that serve a similar function to old-time diaries and letters: the author gains a venue for consolidating, creating, sharing, and sorting out thoughts... and the reader gains a window into the workings of another person's mind.

At the same time, I'm aware that the nature of the internet is changing. Maintaining a separate, pseudonymous identity is harder than ever before (and here I've chosen to use a handle that my extended family is already aware of, so I'm not even starting this off on a very private note). I am increasingly hesitant to be frank and open in my writing, since I'm not eager to bite my future self in the ass.

So I guess this is an experiment in progress.

Regardless of how it turns out, five minutes skimming here will probably give you a better idea of who I am than a whole lifetime of mutually attended parties. Isn't that quaint? (If by "quaint" I mean "perplexing and awkward"...)

Who are you?

1) A person who sometimes mops floors vigorously while listening to New Wave music TURNED UP REALLY LOUD (but only if home alone ^_^;;).

2) A person born before Popples but after Hungry Hungry Hippos.

3) A person who has an awesome life partner and two children, and who takes those responsibilities very seriously.

4) A Myers-Briggs INTJ who has a fairly well-developed tertiary function, but who also frequently gets bogged down in her shadow functions. And who, of course, constantly finds problems with the MBTI and prods relentlessly at those problems until the whole thing falls to pieces... but is lured back again and again by the shiny, shiny gleaming promise of a beautiful system for categorizing miiiinds...

5) An atheist who used to be a catholic. And not just any catholic but a totally freaking obsessed catholic who went to confession weekly for venial sins and memorized canon law for fun.

Check out my "stuff I like" page. There you may find yourself misled quite a bit, maybe even going so far as to believe that I don't actually live an incredibly dull and sisyphean existence. Or not. Woo-hoo.

Is this a safe space? Do/will you do trigger warnings?

Yes and no ... and...sort of.

This blog is definitely -not- a safe space for individuals who are currently needing to avoid thinking about dreadful subjects!

If you are having a hard time coping with certain unpleasant aspects of life/reality at the moment without becoming worse off, please consider this entire blog to be under a heavy trigger warning. As stated above, my blog is a peek into my mind. I am going to talk very directly about very disturbing things, and I am going to launch into them very suddenly and without mercy.

That said, I think this blog will be safe--and perhaps even comforting--for a subset of traumatized people who crave open acknowledgement of the fact that the world is often terrifying and unsafe. Personally, I usually find it a lot more triggering when people gloss over or refuse to acknowledge the crap ass things about the world, not when they talk about it.

In short, this is mainly a red pill blog, but sometimes we all need a little blue pill time. Take good care of yourself.

Would you like to chat with me on AIM or a similar service?

No. I would actually really hate that. Even if I think you're awesome, I would really hate that.


C'mon. Don't be that person.

Okay. How about email?

That would be cool. Go for it.

You can reach me at [my blogger handle, which begins with "a" and ends with "fjords"] at ye-olde-gmayle dawt youknowwhat. If you prefer, you can PM me on Youtube under the same name.

PICS!?!?!? ;-D 

Sorry. Not safe for me.

Actually, I lied. I'm not sorry.

I feel like you're being really stuck-up or disdainful in one or all of your posts. Do you know that you are an arrogant jerk? 

I only really mean to be hard on ideas, not people.

I'm aware that this doesn't always come across very well and I'm currently undecided on whether/how I want to fix the issue. I'm not convinced the problem is on my end.

...since it is mostly stupid people with poor reading comprehension who accuse me of such things.

An artist's depiction of Alienfjords basking in the beatific glow
of knowing that everybody else is stupider.

More serious answer: Yeah... I'm also a little bit of an asshole and probably a hypocrite, too. Working on it.

Why do you make so many Matrix references? That is seriously passe and unsophisticated. Do you not know that the Matrix trilogy is like philosophy for people who think Taco Bell is haute cuisine?


......why is your FACE dumb? >:o

(Working on it, I said.)

Are you a conspiracy theorist?


However, I do have a large amount of hard-earned wariness of authority. 

While you won't see me waxing on about gangstalking, chemtrails, or lizard people controlling the Queen, I do think that the world is a lot darker than it appears to be on the surface. 

For example: 

-I think that funding sources/methods, personal biases, and other incentives frequently taint the collection and skew the interpretation of scientific data at universities and other centers of research.

-I think there's ample evidence that politicians and security/intelligence agencies frequently plan out and execute activities that the average citizen would find abhorrent.

-I think that people in general are largely irrational (even/especially those who claim to value rationality highly, unless they also deliberately strive to foster humility in themselves) and that they tend to deny--and even bury!--evidence that doesn't bolster their personal self-image or support their own comforting worldview. Likewise, a certain sizable percentage of humanity is willing to believe anything that benefits their own pocketbook. I think that this is probably the number one cause of human-to-human strife and violence.

-I do think it is plausible and even likely (in some cases, even proven by mainstream, credible sources) that there are groups of wealthy and powerful individuals who gather together for the purpose of enacting large-scale plans that will benefit themselves while disenfranchising large groups of average people. In that sense, I do believe in conspiracies--just not the baseless, schizotypal kind.

Wait a sec--I thought... Hey! Did you change that entry?

Almost certainly.

I reread entries after posting and I do sometimes go back and add photos, make clarifications, rearrange sentences to get my meaning across better, etc. My first loyalty in keeping this blog is to myself, and (like a personal scrapbook) I will adjust things to my liking.  However, I don't EVER edit the meaning or content of a passage that has been directly responded to and I never try to fool people. 

Also, if you are reading this blog through a feed reader you may notice some discrepancies between the date in your reader and the date listed in the blog itself. This is for one of two reasons: 1) you recently subscribed and the reader put your subscription date on the entries instead of the publishing date OR 2) I wrote an entry in a different format on one date but did not actually publish it until the other. The correct date of composition is whatever you find listed on the blog, not the feed.

Why are you long-winded a lot of the time?

1) It's easier.

2) Nuance and shades of gray are important to me.

3) It's a great filter to help discourage the people I don't really want reading my shit anyhow.

Why "alienfjords"?

Because those are the fjords most worth pining for.

Why "Real Plastic Trees"?

Radiohead, brains, plants, neurons, futurism, plasticity, human resilience, blarg, blarg, etc.

Welcome to my blog! :-)