Comment Policy

Short version:

     1) You. Must. Have. Read. The. Entire. Post.

     2) Don't be obtuse.

     3) Show at least a modicum of unambiguous goodwill.

Anything that doesn't fit my requirements will not get published.

FAQ Version:

Why do you manually approve comments?

I'm not interested in providing a platform for the sorts of comments that tend to crop up on unmoderated blogs. Mainly I don't want people spamming my blog with adverts or mindless support for shitty groups/movements (the democratic & republican parties, for instance). They can take that kind of thing to their own space.

What sorts of comments would you like to receive?

Pretty much anything that's genuinely friendly or interesting. I especially like hearing from people who share some of the same thoughts and sentiments that I have, or who identify with something I've written. I also like to hear about other people's experiences and stories relating to the topics I've posted on. Debate can be fun, too, if you are one of the few people who can manage to keep their e-peens out of it.

Feel free just to say hi or introduce yourself, too. I would be happy to check out your own writing.

What sorts of comments would you prefer NOT to see here?

-Empty displays of arrogance or one-upsmanship. A veneer of superficial politeness will not save you, either. 

-Commenting for no substantial reason besides voicing your disagreement or lack of comprehension about something I wrote. (e.g., "It's interesting that you feel that way. I never feel that way, myself, and don't understand how anyone could.")

-Short replies consisting only of boring, regurgitated party lines, buzzwords, or mildly clever political sayings that display little or no nuance of thought.

-Comments that would fit right in on a misogynist, racist, or anti-gay BINGO card.

-Comments that reflect an indifferent or overtly sociopathic attitude toward the suffering of others (e.g., "If they would rather die, they had better do it and decrease the surplus population.")

-And, of course, outright trolling, spamming, or blatant asshattery.