Monday, October 22, 2012

the urge to rearrange

JK Rowling today on Charlie Rose:

"The urge to write often comes from the urge to rearrange reality, the world we're in."

(I scribbled that down on the fly, will have to check for precise accuracy later.)

I don't often like to comment on physical appearances, because they don't mean the same thing to me as they seem to mean to other people... but I think Rowling is just exquisitely beautiful, inside and out, especially the older and wiser she has gotten. Obviously the blonde color is fake, as are the soft, elfin curls she's wearing today on the show... but it's all just a pageant anyhow... costumes, beauty, clothes, the way we present ourselves. It all feels false and drag-like to me, everybody's self-presentation. I just like the way she's doing it. It suits her personality so well (sharp, brilliant, lovely).

I've spent so much of my life chameleon-like, playing different roles while wearing different costumes. Watching her makes me feel even more solidified in my wish to find the skin that really fits me, and finally play myself.

Haha, first world problems.

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