Wednesday, July 13, 2011

this week's oft-repeated song

You know the one. The song you just play over and over? This is mine, this week.

Nobody seems to know the official lyrics, so the lyrics below are just my best guess/compromise based on other people's varied interpretations.

Use your intuition
It's all you've got
Keys are rare
And there's a dozen locks
Standing in your way
So goes the gold age
Of your tired life

Digging for a way
You cast a spell
Carve a path from all the things they sell
But they don't let go
Just thought you should know
Keys are rare

I know what I know
Would not fill a thimble
So let your mind go (let my mind go)
Straight down the runway
Does one want to
Get more used to
The mall and misery? (the mall and the misery)
The debt mounts
It costs to be alive

Oh she lies half burning
From the biting cold
If only to learn
What you've never been told
There's a real world
And somewhere a good girl
Lives and breathes

Part of her up in the callow mind
Ideas stolen in the morning tide
There's a dark time
This is your dark rhyme
Feel your heart

I know what I know
Would not fill a thimble
So let your mind go (let my mind go)
Straight down the runway
Does one want to
Get more used to
The mall and misery? (the mall and the misery)
The dead mouths
It costs to be alive


The lyrics seem sad, written out like that.

I don't take the song as a sad song, though. When I listen to it, I feel excited and hopeful for the future. 

I've had my ear to the earth for the past few years, just listening. It was simply my time to be quiet, to stop production and just "go to the mountain" so to speak.

So much of what I heard was frightening. I have sometimes been very sick with that fear. And other times, sicker still.

Then something started to change. I heard something else, underneath all that raucous, selfish tantruming. A different sort of sound entirely.

I feel like--maybe, just maybe-- we're approaching the crescendo of some kind of quiet, worldwide metamorphosis. There is an increasing refusal to be content with shallow explanations for everything. More and more people are catching a glimpse of the strands that intertwine all over the place, forming webs of cause and effect more complex than any of our outdated religious or behavioral systems could account for (and I mean nothing mystical here, not in the slightest). Not everybody is feeling it. But some are... and I believe that this mild, patient, haunted minority is right now shaping the future of humanity into something more beautiful than it otherwise would have been.

The collective mind of our planet's most observant beings has decided to fight. Not with bombs and swords, but with the expression of our new values, through our art, our words, our deeds. Through these avenues, we will lead the way. And we will steer this ship with such a light hand, the partygoers deep within its hull will hardly notice the change of direction. It has already begun.

Or maybe it's just my own private transition I am witnessing, and nothing so big as all that.

Either way, that's ok. I'm ready now.

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