Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Links - July 13, 2011

What does phoenix wright down do?

Radiolab presents: Symmetry
"This striking Radiolab video made by Everynone was inspired by Radiolab's Desperately Seeking Symmetry episode. Filmmakers Will Hoffman, Daniel Mercadante, and Julius Metoyer III play with our yearning for balance, and reveal how beautiful imperfect matches can be."
SMBC: In the Future, Everything is Games
"WOOH! Headshot!"
The Great Wall of Vagina
"One is able to stare without shame but in wonder and amazement at this exposé of human variety. For the first time for many women they will be able to see their own genitals in relation to other women's. In doing so they may dispel many misconceptions they may have been carrying about what women look like 'down there'. The sculpture is serene and intricate and it works on many levels."
Check out the interviews with the artist, too. I admire the way he answered when asked about his own sexual preferences. I agree with him 100%. 
Consciously Parenting: Phoenix Rising from the Ashes
"The first time I ever heard about the Phoenix rising from the ashes was in reading the Harry Potter series. I was captivated by the idea that out of something that seemed horrible and final was the potential for a rebirth and renewal. I realized that some of the experiences in my life that have seemed the darkest have given me the opportunity to rise up anew and embrace life in a deeper way. Death by fire isn't pleasant, but it has a way of distilling everything down to its elements in a way nothing else could."
Dear Sugar: The Obliterated Place
"You have the power to withstand this sorrow. We all do, though we all claim not to. We say, “I couldn’t go on,” instead of saying we hope we won’t have to. That’s what you’re saying in your letter to me, Living Dead Dad. You’ve made it so fucking long without your sweet boy and now you can’t take it anymore. But you can. You must."

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