Monday, July 11, 2011

a question to the world

Is Treasure Planet possibly the most tragically underrated Disney film ever?

(I think so.)

This fanvid got added to my "stuff I like" list today, but I'm also going to highlight it here. <3

The part where Jim's dad treats him like shit and then abandons the family always gets me (1:30-2:10 above). That probably hits a lot of people close to home, hmm? Especially in my generation. I was 20 the first time I saw this movie and I was still trying very hard to be the sort of person who's tough to crack but--oh!--I had to wipe my face with my sleeves.

This movie is frequently described as a "story about a boy becoming a man." It's not, though. To call it that is to erase the experiences of all the millions of women and girls who would identify with Jim, who feel all of these things in just the same way. Don't do that to us... it is killing us to be forever relegated to passive roles.


I think Treasure Planet is a story about being born a human and learning to live in a broken world. It's about getting slapped around by the slings and arrows of harsh reality before you've even got your bearings, and somehow figuring out a way to pull through it all, 'til one day you find in yourself a font of strength and sensitivity you never knew you were capable of producing.


As a side note, I thought it was really interesting to see that Ariel/Jim is a major shipping theme on the internets.

Poor Ariel never really got the chance to discover what Jim did, did she? I mean, she got her boyfriend to stab a bitch through the belly with the tip of a broken boat in the name of love a hot summer crush... but that's not remotely on the same level as the autonomy, transcendence, and connection that Jim found.

I think they both come from very similar emotional background, though...

Yeah, I would totally set them up on a date if I were the trans-dimensional matchmaker of the Kingdom Hearts universe. ^_^

As for Prince Eric? Oh, I don't know. Charlotte La Bouff?

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