Friday, November 30, 2012

boring status update, definitely not about bananas or orthographic projection

Hi all (five or six of you semi-regulars),

I hate wasting a post on this kind of thing, but I am not doing well lately.

Good news: I am no longer depressed.

Bad news: Apparently my formerly unshakable depression may have been just a prodromal symptom of something that I am too blitzed to talk about (or decide whether I want to talk about it) in great detail but which involves the pancreas and much pain and hospitals (again). I don't exactly have a diagnosis (yet-ish?) beyond pancreatitis and liver-something, my case has been weird, probably has something to do with my genetics. W00t I am a mutant and shall be expunged from the record.

I mean, I always wanted an easy way to get, like, super skinny. But I was thinking skinny like Audrina Patridge (minus boob job), maybe... not skinny like Steve Jobs.

Basically this post is just a placeholder or something to say that I promise to update at least once a month. If I don't, it's not that I just ditched this place and/or hate you, it's that I'm pretty much dead. Or someone hit the kill switch on the internet. That's possible, too. Or perhaps I am just lost in the forest at the bottom of a very deep hole and friendly bears are keeping me alive by offering generous daily gifts of salmon, berries, and honeycomb from above. Like a fishy ambrosia.

I am not in any shape to be writing much, I think--at least not most of the time--but I have some poems I found that I want to share, which I will probably do momentarily, anon, etc. I had also been writing fan-fiction oh dear god and I might share it here if I feel like it which I might not.

Also, if you haven't already learned that Nicki Minaj songs, slowed down, sound like they're sung by a gay Jay-Z... well, enjoy.

random ill-made picture of something to remember this post by

PS: Expressions of sick person sympathy are strictly forbidden and will result in a punitive pieing.

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