Sunday, September 30, 2012

better than a psychobilly mohawk

Me: I think I'm gonna get an undercut. Then I'm gonna dye my hair a mixture of icy blonde and pastel pink.

Mom: Couldn't you do something normal people do? Like get a tattoo?

Me: Tattoos are permanent. Experience says I don't like anything* passionately for longer than six months at a time.

Mom: True. But you also don't even like pink.

Me: Maybe I'll do rainbows.

Mom: ...are you having a... y'know... crisis?

Me: .....



Yes. Yes, I am.

The lazyhawk: a far more likely outcome, given my notoriously sky-high ambitions.

On the other hand, I do have compelling strategy-based reasons for not making my hair into a spectacle at the moment. Maybe next year. EARLY next year.

See... this is why we INTJs so rarely actually do anything observably insane. Our interior simulation schemata always return with manifold reasons why not. There are tons and tons of reasons why one ought to remain an accountant, not run away with the circus, and refrain from sticking one's one-and-only pickle in that plausibly herpetic hole over there. But what a dull reality, eh?


* Note: I said "anything" not "anybody". There is a difference.

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